We're back in the US of A, and have been for awhile. But there's still quite a bit we haven't shared from our trip, particularly our last 3.5 weeks in Europe. So we're working on that now, slowly but surely, and in chronological order. Believe it or not, we also have some posts left from Asia. But we're keeping things as organized as possible - so feel free to browse, and/or use our tags to help you find what you need. Whether you're planning a trip of your own, daydreaming of distant lands, or living vicariously through us - relax, enjoy, and happy reading!!

PS If you're looking for the details of our road trip across the US, you'll find them on our Tumblr.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Travel Agency

The K-N Travel Agency temporarily moved their headquarters to the northern reaches of New Jersey for the holiday season (Thanks, Mom & Dad!):

Between visits with family and friends, gift exchanges, family game night, and plenty of good food, we were busily researching and booking transportation, accommodations, and adventures in New Zealand.

The verdict? Itinerary set. The second verdict? There's a reason people use travel agents. [We're glad we did things ourselves, but MAN did it take a lot of time!]

Also? He's not as tired as he looks. He is just working twice as hard, to do his part of the planning AND keep me calm as I worry, obsess, and over-think every minute detail of the trip. He is an infinitely patient man, and I'm an lucky woman.

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