I know, I know - we still have to finish up New Zealand. But as I was considering blog posts during my shower this morning, this one came to mind and I just couldn't shake it. So, in no particular order, here are:
5 Things To Love About Singapore
(besides the food)
5. When it rains, it pours. Literally.
4. Safe running. Neither my husband nor my mother-in-law even hesitate when I lace up my running shoes to head out solo. Of course, no place is perfect - but chances are I'm safer here than I was when I ran alone in Rochester, and goodness knows I did that all the time. This is especially notable since I am, purely by phenotype (outward appearance), easy to identify as a foreigner...
3. Awesome public transport. We walk to the bus stop and look at the map posted in the bus shelter to figure out which buses are running the route we need. Within a few minutes, one of them arrives. We hop on (tap card) an air conditioned bus that drives us to the MRT (subway). We hop off (tap card) and look at an amazingly easy to read subway map:
We walk to the platform (tap card), and a train arrives within 3-4 minutes. We get on, ride, get off, leave the station (tap card), and are within a block or two of our destination. The system is clean, efficient, and amazing.
There has been some consternation in Singapore lately over a few instances of delays and break-downs. I understand that, to you Singaporeans, this is approximately utter chaos. But to those of us that hail from cities - or entire countries - whose public transport systems are considerably less reliable, this is a dream.come.true.
2. The Karung guni (kah-rung-GOH-nee) man. This fellow drives around in a small truck (although historically he traveled on foot - "karung guni" is a Malay word for "gunny sack"), honking a very distinctive horn. He comes through this neighborhood 1-2 times a day. Residents can bring out their newspapers, old clothing, old appliances, or just about anything else. If he thinks he can resell, re-purpose, or recycle it, he will pay a small sum for the goods. Very seldom do I like adding a "middle man", but boy do wish there were a Karung guni man in Rochester when I was cleaning out my apartment...
1. The signs. Oh, the signs. I've been giggling inappropriately at signage all day. Here are three that we happened upon within the last 12 hours:
Sighted: A stall in the Ladies Room at Vivocity. [Hate those snake-like bathroom thieves.] |
Sighted: Elevator of Block 150 [ie, A Camera] |
Sighted: Harbourfront MRT [Don't blame me if you're henceforth banned from the MRT...] |
And, with that act of rebellion, I'll let you get on with your Friday.